Just found the article from Twitter, –from Kang Gatot (@lazypod) timeline, if I was not mistaken. And so here I repost this on blog. HOW ADDICTED YOU TO TWITTER?
"50 Signs You're Addicted To Twitter."
1. Your "bathroom breaks" have increased by 140% since joining Twitter. – Not really
2. You've ignored incoming phone calls because you happened to be in the middle of composing a solid tweet. –Not Really
3. You've reached the point of actually rooting for red lights while driving.
4. You curse when the lights turn green. –Since am not riding my private vehicle, so am not into cursing. BUT I OFTEN TWEETING ONCE I GET ON THE BUS :))
5. Your Klout score has suddenly become more important than your credit score. –Not really
6. Your Twitter anxiety level has an inverse relationship with the battery power
bar on your cell phone. –OF COURSE! LIKE WHO DOESN’T?
7. You've caught yourself thinking, "If it isn't on Twitter yet, it hasn't happened." –HAHAHA! YEARIGHT!
8. When you say "watch the game," you mean "read tweets about it."
9. When you instinctively know how many characters a sentence is without
10. You associate whales with Twitter more than with SeaWorld. –HAHAHAHA!
11. Whenever you play with your phone, the people you’re with automatically assume you’re tweeting. –Since I am single, I got no one to text with nor to call, so yeah, I am busy tweeting.
12. You accidentally add "@" before your name when filling out official documents. –HAHAHA! Sometimes.
13. Even though your parents told you to never talk to strangers, you agree to a #tweetup with followers.
14. You judge others based on what URL shortener or photo-sharing service they use. –OH, SORRY LOCKERZ USERS!
15. You judge people who include an underscore in their Twitter name because you know they were late to join.
16. You feel the need to secure a Twitter handle for your unborn child.
17. You get an adrenaline rush when your tweet comes to exactly 140 characters without any abbreviations or shortcuts. –HAHAHAHA! FROM THE HELL YOU KNOW THIS!
18. You frequently check your unfollowers just to make sure a notable follower
hasn't severed ties. A sigh of relief ensues. –Not really.
19. You've unfollowed people who rarely tweet as a way of improving your follower to following ratio
20. When you pay $15 for in-flight Wi-Fi solely to keep up with your timeline.
21. You view Facebook as the VCR of social networking sites. –Sorry, but I rarely open my Facebook these days.
22. You start losing touch with your non-twitter friends. –DAMN ITS TRUE! :))
23. You've woken up in the middle of the night, replied to a tweet, and then had to explain the next morning why you were on Twitter at 3am. –Not really! I just ended up scrolling my timeline if so.
24. After a good tweet you keep reloading your @ mentions hoping to see an RT pop up. –HAHAHAHA! Sometimes. Fakir mention, they said.
25. You know Jerry Seinfeld isn't THAT funny. Steve Martin still is. –Fact is, I don’t know them both.
26. When you go to extreme and slightly dangerous measures to get a TwitPic.
27. You convinced your grandma to get on Twitter.
28. When your mom says she saw Chris Rock in the mall today, your response
is "TwitPic or it never happened!”
29. You've asked your waitress for hashtags alongside your eggs & bacon.
30. You schedule your Direct Messages.
31. You pull over on the highway to tweet.
32. When you don't check in, you constantly feel out of touch.
34. You save your best thoughts for tweets; not conversations. –Not really. But I tweet it right after I say it, sometimes.
35. When you pull into your driveway, you sit in the car for a last Twitter smoke.
36. Twitter has become an essential life element. Food. Water. Shelter. Twitter. –Can I add +1, please?! HAHAHAHA!
37. You had a dream that you had dinner with a celebrity you follow. –AGAIN, LIKE WHO DOESN’T?
38. Your @ symbol on your keyboard is starting to fade. –OH PLEASE DON’T!
39. You have a backup Twitter app. –UHM! Ubersocial, Twitter For Blackberry, SocialScope? You name it! As if we’re not cranky in case one of those apps didn’t work.
40. You submit customer service complaints to a company's Twitter handle instead of placing a call or writing a letter. –LIKE WHO DOESN’T!
41. Your business card lacks an email address, but has your Twitter name in bold. –I don’t have any business card, FYI.
42. You get angry when someone calls out your Twitter addiction. The more
addicted you are, the angrier you get.
43. You try to convert people to Twitter as if you work for Twitter -- and get paid a commission.
44. You still think adding "Tw" to words is clever. –HAHAHAHA!
45. You feel obligated to return someone's call or text because you know they've
probably seen you tweeting recently.
46. When anything of significance happens, your non-tweeting friends say, "Are
you gonna tweet about that?" –HAHAHAHA! YOU KNOW RIGHT!
47. You are already thinking of 3 people to share this list with who are worse than you.
48. You've gone back on your TiVo to take a picture of the weirdest fan in the stands.
49. You say the word Twitter at least 10 times a day.
50. If 15 of these rules apply to you, you have a borderline addiction. If 30 of these rules apply to you, you are officially addicted to Twitter. If 40 or more of these apply to you, you are a Twitterholic.
So, which one are you? :))
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